This is the last painting in the series. It is my favorite especially with the background. I think that it shows a great progress. I love the vividness of the colors and how they contrast each other. My favorite thing about the whole series is that you don't see my face, yet you can get a sense of me. Mostly my strength and stubbornness is shown through this pose as well as how I see myself as a woman.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Blues vs Orange Finished Product
This is the last painting in the series. It is my favorite especially with the background. I think that it shows a great progress. I love the vividness of the colors and how they contrast each other. My favorite thing about the whole series is that you don't see my face, yet you can get a sense of me. Mostly my strength and stubbornness is shown through this pose as well as how I see myself as a woman.
Crown of Light
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Catch Up
These two paints are my most recent from over the long holiday weekend. They are part of a triptych which I am working on. Here I am interested in heightening the natural color of my skin and working with contrasting colors. Especially in the second one. The third painting in the series is going to be a side shot of my arm. Also I am exploring a self portrait with using the normal "mug shot" as my teacher would call it.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Girls
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Another artist that I find interesting and helpful is Erin Cone. Cone concentrates on fabric and the human figure. I love her simple photographic portraits especially in her painting Keepsake. I strive to create images as clear cut as Cone does. The use of subtle colors and shapes makes for a powerful picture. The figures demand that you pay attention to their glowing forms. I think that from Erin Cone's work I can learn how to create a more accurate figure and be able to master skin.
The last artist that I really felt a connection with is Peggi Kroll. She has tones of figures and more often than not they are just a handful of shapes. It is wonderfully surprising. Some artist take the time make the figure a complex assimilation of jigsaw-like pieces. Kroll on the other hand seems to try to do the figure in as few shapes as possible. As a result her figures are just as powerful as anyone who used small detailed shapes. From Kroll I can learn the simplicity of the human figure.
All of these artists give extremely good examples to learn from. Although practice is important, so is studying those who have mastered what you would like to accomplish.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Who I Am I?

Three Musketeers
The Face in the Mirror